Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lab Exam 2 Is This Week

This week's lab exam is on activities Muscular System I, II, and III in your lab manual (pages 27-61). For cat muscles, you are expected to be able to identify and name them. For humans, you should refer to pages 44-47 of the lab manual and learn the OIA chart, as you are expected to know the origin, insertion, and action of all of the muscles on the list.

Since there are no classes on Monday,Wednesday will follow Monday's class schedule.

The exam will take up the first 2 hours of lab, you are expected to return for the last hour, as you will be starting the Nervous System.

I will be in the Student Success Center Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11am. If your exam is in the second hour of lab, please feel free to stop by and see me.

For help with the cat muscles, here is the video I referred you to in lab.
For help with muscle structure, here is a video.

Tips for studying the OIA chart:

  • Learn the muscles by groups. They are grouped for you in the OIA chart, but I suggest putting abdominal muscles in their own group to shorten the list of anterior trunk muscles.
  • Look for similarities in origin, insertion, and action within these groups so you can break down the information into smaller chunks. 
  • Pay attention to the names of muscles, many of them are named based on their origin, insertion, or action. For example: Sternocleidomastoid - O: sternum and clavicle, I: mastoid process
  • Remember that the insertion is always on the bone that is being moved.
  • Think about how you move your body. If you have ever lifted weights, think about the exercises you do to work on specific muscles. This will help you remember actions.
  •  Generally, anterior muscles flex and posterior muscles extend. Actions on the knee are opposite - anterior extends, posterior flexes. Exception: Brachioradialis is the only posterior muscle that flexes.

In the last couple of weeks, you had to do some clay modeling of muscles on a skeleton. Professor Odewale emphasized that some of these will be modeled on the same skeletons for the exam. The muscles were: Deltoid, Latissimus dorsi, Supraspinatus, Biceps brachii, Gluteus maximus, Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris.

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